Sean McGrover 

 Future Coral Gables 
City Commissioner

"Building A Better Tomorrow For Coral Gables"
Hi I'm         
Jeremy Jackson
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Sean's Platform For Advancing Coral Gables Into The Future....

  • Developing and Building a Fiscally Sound Financial Budget to Combat The Oncoming Recession.
  • Design And Implement The First Crypto Currency for Coral Gables To Catapult Our Community Into The New Decentralized Financing Generation
  • ​Attract Large Businesses To Coral Gables To Continue To Grow Our Prosperous Community
  • ​Create and Implement A Down Payment Grant Program For Our First Responders and Healthcare Workers To Show Our Support For All They Do To Protect and Care For Our Community.


A major recession is coming and our nation will suffer. The government is spending way too much!  Now the U.S Treasury recently decided to change the formula for the CPI (Consumer Price Index) to justify printing more money.
When will this end? The actions by our National government will trickle down into our states and ultimately hit and devastate our local cities and municipalities.

Knowing this…. It is time for our city of Coral Gables to tighten the budget. Lessen or even discontinue any unnecessary spending for the next 24-36 months

My promise to our city once I become one of our city's next commissioner is to immediately review current spending and expenditures to see where we can cut costs to increase our reserves. Any project that we can defer for the next 12 to 24 months will definitely be cheaper than if we invest today. 

 in the next 12 months, we should focus on strengthening our city's balance sheet; wait to invest in any large capital projects until the imminent recession passes.

If there are projects already underway, we should definitely commit to them. However, if there are contracts with the city where no work has begun, we should immediately cancel or defer those contracts and lessen our spending for the next 12 to 24 months. The cost of any capital expenditures will most likely be less costly to our city in the coming year. 


Attracting large companies from across the nation to introduce and invite them to our beautiful community should be a task our Mayor and City Commissioners should work on immediately and consistently. The more companies we can attract to Coral Gables, the more diversified our community becomes. 

My plan promise is to scour the nation seeking large companies in many different sectors who may be considering moving to a more advantageous state for tax purposes and living standards and reach out to them to share our community and help them to understand the benefits and advantages of moving their company to Coral Gables and ultimately invest in Coral Gables.

Our Mayor and City Commissioners should design a very detailed marketing plan to attract all types of large companies, from tech companies to finance companies to everything in between. 

We have a beautiful city and amazing people and I believe we should have large companies become aware of what our city can provide them. 

As your next elected City Commissioner, I will work on designing and implementing a nationwide marketing plan, work with our state legislators and find a way to attract some of the better known companies to at least take a look at our beautiful city of Coral Gables as an investment into their future growth plans.


More and more people, companies and governments are evaluating the U.S. dollar. Our national government is printing and spending more dollars than every before and the revenues from taxpayers cannot support the spending. This situation being created by our U.S Treasury is devaluing the U.S dollar and potentially destroying our economy. The effect will trickle down from our U.S. economy to our State economy and ultimately impact our local economy. But there is a new generation of ideas quickly approaching...

There is a new movement from centralized finance, where our government controls and manipulates our U.S. currency to DECENTRALIZED finance, where the control of currency is placed in the hands of the people. 

Today, there are people and governments designing, developing and implementing a new technology called blockchain and crypto currency. The idea is to develop a finite amount of currency to maintain value and protect the currency from devaluation. 

I believe cities will begin to design their own crypto currency to use and transact within their communities while also having the opportunity to use in other districts and regions through the blockchain technology. 

I believe that presently Miami and other cities throughout the U.S. have already begun their transition to implementing crypto currency and the use of blockchain and I would like to help our community of Coral Gables to do the same. 

I would like to submit a white paper on how Coral Gables could enact their own crypto currency to use within the community but also to disburse on the blockchain to entice more usage which in turn will develop a strong valuation and help Coral Gables become more independent as our fiat dollar continues to plummet in value. 


We have one of the best cities in Florida and beyond that we have some of the best first responders and healthcare workers that protect and care for our community and neighbors. They are the heart of Coral Gables. 

I want our city of Coral Gables to show our appreciation for their hard work and devotion to caring and protecting our community. I want to create a homebuying grant for all our first responders and healthcare workers. We need to show our appreciation and what better way to do this is to invest in their happiness by assisting them with down payment assistance to help each and everyone of them achieve the goal of home ownership. 

We can definitely do this and this gift we share with our first responders and healthcare workers will attract more and more of the best of the best to continue to serve, protect and care for our neighbors. 
What People Say About Sean McGrover...

"My husband Sean is so driven to help our community that I suggested he run for city commissioner. I believe he will be the best candidate to support and grow our community through strength in positive leadership.

Please vote for Sean for your next Coral Gables city Commissioner"

Alexia McGrover
Wife, mom, resident of Coral Gables

Sean is an amazing person that knows how to get things done. I've watched him start new companies and build them to million dollar companies in as little as 9 months. He even helped me to build my business and I am immensely grateful for his assistance in designing and developing my company which now does sales over $10M per year. 

Omer Rotman
BTNH Advisors. 

"I’ve known Sean for 30 years. 

In life you can probably count (if you are lucky) in one hand how many trustworthy friends you have.

Sean has always been one of those trustworthy people that you can always count on! He is a straight shooter and will not let you down.

We need many Sean’s in this country to put us back on track. 

Sergio Alcazar
ALC Wealth Management & ALC Global Adventures

"My vote is for Sean McGrover. I have gotten to know Sean over the last decade and I can honestly say, he always puts community first and empathizes with peoples' struggles. He is an amazing person and leader. ."

Abel Hernandez
AA Glass and Windows 

Political advertisement paid for and approved by Sean McGrover for Coral Gables City Commission.

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